Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Alcohol Flamming

Biasanya digunakan untuk meletakkan kertas cakram atau instrumen lain ke dalam cawan petri yang berisi media.
a)       Ambil forsep, celupkan ujungnya ke dalam alkohol, lalu segera bakar ujungnya di atas bunsen selama beberapa detik secara mendatar. Ingat, jangan miring
b)       Ambil kertas cakram steril atau instrumen lainnya dengan forsep tadi
c)       Ambil tabung reaksi yang berisi zat antimikrobial, celupkan kertas cakram tadi ke dalam cairan di dalam tabung reaksi

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Inoculating with osse

a) Fuel needle loop of the base in the loop continues until the (end) until the red fluorescent

b) Allow for a few seconds until the glow disappeared, then immediately take a test tube containing the bacterial culture, the third to open the lid with the middle finger, ring and little fingers while the index finger and thumb holding the needle loop.

c) Fuel lip tube by rotating the tube so that all parts of the lips of the tubes exposed to flame

d) Immediately insert the needle into the loop tube, then immediately remove it. Try when inserting the needle ose not to touch the tube wall and do near the Bunsen burner


a) Take a sterile pipette, open the wrapper and put the rubber valve

b) Fuel burned edges on the Bunsen for a few seconds. Do not be too long because it can damage the tip of the pipette

c) Take the tube containing the bacterial culture,

open the lid with both ring and little fingers while the index finger, middle finger and thumb holding pipette.

d) Immediately insert the pipette into a test tube, rubber suction valve press the [S] (see figure below) and then immediately remove it. When inserting the pipe t try not to touch the walls of the tubes and Bunsen burners do in the near

Alcohol Flamming

Usually used to put paper discs or other instruments into a petri dish containing the media.

a) Take the forceps, dip the tip into the alcohol, and immediately above the tip Bunsen burn for a few seconds flat. Remember, do not skew

b) Take a paper disc with sterile forceps or other instruments were

c) Take a test tube containing the antimicrobial agent, the paper discs were dipped into the liquid in the test tube

d) Take a petri dish containing cultured bacteria that have been in the order, open the lid by tilting a few degrees up to only one side of the course is open. Remember do not be so wide open it or open the entire lid from the cup

e) Immediately insert the paper disc with sterile forceps or other instruments carefully in order not to damage the surface. Perform near Bunsen burner

f) Immediately cover the cup and lip burns again

g) Do it again in the same way if needed

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Chemical Sterilization

At present, many chemical agents that have the potential to kill or inhibit microbes. Research and discovery of new chemical compounds continues to grow. A good agent is a chemical that has the ability to rapidly kill microbes with lower doses without damaging the material or equipment is disinfected.
In principle, the mechanism of chemical agents are classified into:

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Physically sterilization

This method is used to sterilize equipment / material that resists heat, pressure or radiation. Sterilization can be done by:a. Dry heatDry heat, usually used to sterilize laboratory equipment. For tools such as Petri dishes, bottles or materials such as starch, talc and the like. Generally use the oven. Is the effective temperature of 160oC for 2 hours., Researchers often use temperature of 175oC for 1.5 to 2 hours. For tools such as tweezers needle loop, the tip of the pipette, test tube lip / erlenmeyer / petri dish sterilization typically use methylated spirit lamp or Bunsen.

Mechanic Sterilization

There are two filters, namely bacteriological filter and air filter.

a) bacteriological filters are typically used to sterilize materials that are not resistant to heating, such as sugar solution, serum, antibiotics, antitoxin, trace elements, enzymes, vitamins, hormones and or media containing materials etc.. Filtration technique using a filtering principle, which was filtered bacteria alone.